User Guide

Ever felt like you couldn’t get a handle on all the things that you have to do? Not to worry, for Colette is here to help you! (And talk to you about dogs.)

Get Started

  1. Ensure you have java 11 installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest colette.jar file from here.
  3. Copy the jar file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for the application, e.g. Desktop.
  4. Open a command line window, e.g. Terminal for MacOS or Command Prompt for Windows.
  5. cd into the folder you placed the jar file in, e.g. cd ~/Desktop.
  6. Start the application with the command java -jar colette.jar.
  7. You should see the window below.


A broad overview of what Colette can do for you:

Viewing help

Brings up a list of all the commands that Colette knows.

Format: help

Expected result:

Listing all tasks

Lists all tasks that are currently in the task list.

Format: list

Expected result:

Adding a task

You can add three types of tasks: todos, deadlines, and events.

Adding a todo

Todos are tasks with a name/description.

Format: todo [name/description]

Expected result:

Adding a deadline

Deadlines are tasks with a name/description and a date to do the task by.

Format: deadline [description] [date to do the task by]

Expected result:

Adding an event

Events are tasks with a name/description, a start date, and an end date.

Format: event [description] [start date] [end date]

Expected result:

Marking a task as done or not done

Tasks can be marked as done to indicate they are completed, or not done to indicate that they have not been completed. This information will show up in the list.

Marking a task as done

Format: mark [index] where index is the index of the task in the list.

Expected result:

Marking a task as not done

Format: unmark [index] where index is the index of the task in the list.

Expected result:

Deleting a task

Format: delete [index] where index is the index of the task in the list.

Expected result:

Finding tasks

You can find a task using any number of keywords. Colette will search for any task in the list whose name/description matches any of the keywords provided.

Format: find [keyword1] [keyword2] where you can provide any number of keywords, separated by spaces.

Example: find pet dogs will find all tasks with either pet or dogs in the name/description.

Expected result:

Exiting the app

Format: bye

Expected result:

Remembering your tasks between sessions

Colette can remember the state of your task list between sessions! Simply ensure that if you move the colette.jar file, the data folder remains in the same directory as the jar file.


Colette can’t read my dates

You’ve likely provided a date in the wrong format. Colette can only read dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Colette keeps saying the index is too high

There aren’t that many tasks in your list. You can check the tasks in your list with the list command.

Planned Features

  • Ability to undo the previous feature
  • Read times
  • Read dates in different format